Neglecting roof maintenance is a clear way to set up your building for disaster. Using a checklist to inspect your roof for damage and repair needs helps you avoid the need for costly replacements.
The Importance of Commercial Roof Inspections
You should not overlook preventative maintenance of your roof system. Commercial roof inspections are recommended after severe weather and at least two times a year as part of a preventative maintenance program to assess possible damage. Taking the proactive approach of looking for signs of wear helps your roofing system last longer by fixing minor problems before they become significant issues. Routine roof maintenance is proven to save your company money and prevent lost time by avoiding major repairs.
Your company can enter a service contract to have roofing inspections and maintenance performed professionally, or you can make your own roof maintenance checklist and take the necessary steps to inspect your roof. Ultimately, the most important thing is to keep your roof well maintained.
Convenient Roof Maintenance Checklist
Before you start inspecting your roof, it’s helpful to create a roof inspection checklist to ensure you don’t overlook essential areas. With a thorough look, you can identify minor roof problems that you can quickly address or bigger issues that require a professional roofing company to repair or replace elements of your roof. Here’s a convenient roof maintenance checklist to assess the condition of your roofing:
- Interior of your space
- Roof surface
- Expansion joints, flashings, and drains
- Exterior structures
- Pipes and supports
- Previous repairs
Interior of Your Space
Before heading outside to inspect your roof, you should take a look inside. The most obvious sign of a roof problem is interior water damage. Staining, mold, and peeling paint are commonly associated with a roof leak.
Roof Surface
Start your actual commercial roof inspection by checking for cleanliness and making a note of areas with accumulated dirt, damage, or abnormal weathering that could be problematic. Be sure to clean your gutters and remove any dirt and debris, such as branches and leaves. Areas that accumulate debris are more prone to rot and decay, and clogged drains lead to water drainage issues.
All roofs should be free of blistering, tears, deep scratches, and cracks. Professionals should address these apparent signs of damage to avoid further damage. Inspect tiles and shingles to ensure none are missing, loose, or damaged.
For spaces with a flat roof, be sure to look for areas with standing water or low spots where water could collect. Gravel rooftops ideally have a uniform layer.
Expansion Joints, Flashing, and Drains
Not all roofs have all of these, but they should be a top priority in your roof maintenance checklist if your roof does. Check your expansion joints for signs of damage, like cuts and tears. It’s a good idea to focus on flashings and make sure they aren’t separated from the roof. Flashing issues require immediate attention. Another critical roof maintenance tip is to check for mold, moss, and signs of water. Unless you have a green roofing system, anything that grows on your roof indicates poor drainage.
Roof maintenance is often overlooked or neglected due to potential costs and inspection hassles. Rainville-Carlson makes the process affordable and easy.
Exterior Structures
As part of your roof maintenance checklist, you should inspect each exterior structure of your roof separately. Ensure the structures maintain their integrity, that pieces have not fallen off, and that pipes remain in working order. The surfaces should be clean and free of rust, growths, and other signs of damage.
Pipes and Supports
Building owners should pay particular attention to pipes and equipment supports. There should be no cracks at the base of supports, and pipes should not sag. If you notice deflected hangers or supports that dig into the membrane of your roof, these elements may be failing and need to be repaired or replaced soon.
Previous Repairs
Previous repairs, particularly when not done by a professional, are most susceptible to damage. That’s why it’s vital you include them on your roof maintenance checklist. Pay close attention to those areas to ensure the intended fixes are working and that no further damage has occurred. If previously repaired spots show signs of failure, schedule a commercial roof inspection. These are often symptoms of more significant problems that require immediate attention.
Helpful Roof Maintenance Tips
Along with regular inspections, minor maintenance can help preserve the quality of your roof. The following tips can help you keep your roof in the best condition for as long as possible:
- Avoid walking on the roof.
- Keep your roof as clean as possible.
- Make sure the equipment on your roof is functioning properly.
- Clear accumulated snow to relieve the roof of the added burden.
- Trim tree branches that overhang your roof.
While doing these tips in-house can save money, we always recommend using commercial roofing contractors to repair and replace damaged roofing.
Everything Starts With a Comprehensive Roof Inspection
Rainville-Carlson has the experience and expertise to maintain, repair, or replace your roof. To avoid business issues caused by roof problems, contact us today.
The Most Critical Roof Maintenance Tip: Safety First
One tip to stress for a quality DIY commercial roof inspection is the importance of safety. An entire section of your roof maintenance checklist should be to implement safety protocols. Contact a professional if you have reason to believe your commercial building has significant damage or compromised stability. Your and your employees’ health and safety should come before anything else.
Additional safety measures to take include:
- Make others are aware of your plans so they can check in on you.
- Always use a safety harness attached to a sturdy base to prevent injury or death.
- Follow all manufacturers’ recommendations for ladder use.
- Take your time. Rushing around is bound to cause more problems than a thorough, well-paced DIY commercial roof inspection.
- Have a plan ready. Know what areas you want to inspect and what tools you need to bring to the roof with you. This minimizes the number of times you need to go up and down the ladder and reduces repair times.
- Take a look at the forecast. Wet, slippery roof conditions only increase the chance of slips, trips, and falls. Wait until a sunny day when the roof is dry.
What To Do Following a Commercial Roof Inspection
If you’ve been diligent in following roof maintenance tips in the past, there’s a good chance you’ll require minimal maintenance, if any at all. However, because Minnesota roofs face the sunlight and humidity of summer and the harsh snow and ice of winter, even the most well-maintained roofs require some work eventually.
After your commercial roof inspection, you need to assess the condition of your system. If you’ve discovered damaged areas, ponding water, clogged gutters, or any other red flags, you have three main options:
Commercial Roof Repairs
If you notice any of the following issues, you should consider hiring a professional roof repair specialist to remedy the problem.
- Water damage
- Ponding water
- Cracks, blisters, punctures, or bubbles on the surface of your roofing system
- Rusting or damaged flashings
- Clogged gutters and drains
Commercial Roof Replacement
While repairs are less costly than a complete replacement, a commercial roof replacement often provides greater long-term cost savings in comparison. Quick-fix repairs may prevent issues for a short time, but don’t provide the lasting protection your roof and your building need. If you suspect your roof has extensive damage, reach out to a trusted roofing company to perform a thorough commercial roof inspection. This takes the guesswork out of choosing the right solution for your building.
Roof Maintenance Programs
For the ultimate in roof maintenance checklists, enter into a roof maintenance contract with an established roofing company in your area. Not only do they have the experience to locate hard-to-catch issues, but they also have the knowledge to fix them before they become problematic. Along with routine commercial roof inspections, comprehensive roofing maintenance services should include:
- Roof cleaning
- Leak detection
- Examination of flashings, seams, and joints
- Securing of loose metal roofing panels
- Caulking when needed
Priority service for disaster and emergency roofing services
Everything Starts With a Comprehensive Roof Inspection
Even with this helpful roof maintenance checklist, there’s no replacement for a trained eye when it comes to commercial roof inspections. When you want to protect your roofing investment and ensure it reaches its full service life, trust the experts at Rainville-Carlson. We have the expertise to maintain, repair, or replace your roof. To avoid business issues caused by roof problems, contact us today to schedule your free initial inspection.